Photo of mafa alborés Spain

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Master Photography Workshop and playback processes EASD Serra i Abella

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Master Photography Workshop and playback processes EASD Serra i Abella

Arts education teacher for years, began their artistic experiences in the field of painting, illustration and advertising. Doctorate in Fine Arts specializing in Image, has completed advanced studies in philology. His interest in issues relating to the dissemination of scientific content through forms of artistic expression has led to areas of academic and professional work near the zoological disclosure. Has experienced in painting, sculpture, film, video, photography and computer graphics.

Dissertation "The Invisible Animal." Iconographic and cultural issues addressed in animal images that illustrate the material in science communication. Embodies aspects of the author's own experience in the reproduction and recreation of natural environments for museum and zoological exhibition.
Selected in 1992 for the award Luis Navarro of Photography (Photographic Association of Catalunya)
Selected in the Barcelona Comic Fair, 1984
Author of the cover of "The Refreshments" (Polygram) and "Broemeaoqué (GASA)
Illustrations and comics for "Tintimán", "Valiundiez" and other Galician literature.

Manuel Ángel (Mafa) Dawn Fernandez
art teacher / multimedia artist

Barcelona (Spain)
Areas of interest: Communication - Advertising, Construction - Maintenance, Design - Creativity, Education - Training
Languages: English, Galician, Catalan, Spanish

Although I have advanced studies in philology, I am a doctor in the specialty of Image Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona. I have my professional time spent on activities as a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, assistant decoration (film), designer, art director, sculptor, modeler and teacher.


1993 - Fine Arts Faculty News Bcn, COLBACAT et alt.
Graduate various
Barcelona, Hospitalet de Llobregat et alt. (Spain)
Identification and conservation of sensitive material. Technical and photographic printing process and photo. Contributor Journal of Zoology Museum of Barcelona. PhD thesis (cum laude unanimous). Graduate of descriptive geometry. Computer graphics courses: Flash, Photoshop, 3D Studio MAX, Autocad. Digital Video Editing. Digital Image Format (RAW). PDF edition.

1993 - 2001 Photography and Design Department Faculty Fine Arts Barcelona
Barcelona (Spain)
History and photography. Photography and language. Photographer-author, Aesthetics and Photography. Video as Art. Photo & Digital Imaging. Sociology and Photography. Scenery. Landscape in the texts.

1987 - 1991 Faculty of Fine Arts / Escola Sant Jordi / Barcelona
2 nd cycle (specialty: Image) of Fine Arts. Bachelor
Barcelona (Spain)
Methodology and technology of photography, cinema and video. Theory and history of the image. Animation. Figurative narrative. Comics.

1985 - 1987 Faculty of Fine Arts, University District La Laguna
Cycle 1, Fine Arts / Design Preespecialidad
Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
Painting. Painting techniques. Drawing. Shape analysis. Descriptive Geometry. Representation systems. Photography and video. Modeling. Sculpture. Three-dimensional graphic design.

1982 - 1985 University College School of Filologia Germanica Vigo
1, 2 and 3 of Germanic Philology (English)
Vigo (Spain)
Theory and practice of linguistics. English language and literature, Spanish and Galician. Phonetics. Philosophy. Language laboratory. Latin.

Work Experience

2005 - Present EASD Serra i Abella / Departament d'Ensenyament Gen. Cat
Master Photography Workshop and Process of Reproduction,
Department of Technology. Support & Applications
Sector: Education
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain)

Teacher Workshop analog and digital photography and reproduction processes.
Teachers of visual expression, graphic expression techniques, computer graphics, photo lab and several areas of theory image cycles Photography, Advertising Graphics, Illustration, and Animation Graphics Multimedia Audiovisual.

2007 - 2007 PYMEC / Accessories Training
Sector: Education
Molins de Rei (Spain)

Trainer Training course organized by PYMEC adults through training in the Accessories area of Photoshop, 30 hours classroom course taught on Saturdays in November and December 2007.

2006 - 2006 SL Accessories Educational Activities
Trainer / Digital Imaging
Department of Technology. Software Development
Sector: Education
Corbera de Llobregat (Spain)

Teacher training course of 50 hours funded by PYMEC: Photoshop and digital graphics resources

2006 - 2006 Sphere Training Condis Supermarket
Trainer / Digital Imaging
Department of Technology. Software Development
Sector: Education
Montcada i Reixac (Spain)

Trainer Resources and Creative Graphics Digital Picture / Photoshop for department workers Condis Supermarket Graphic Design at its headquarters in Montcada i Reixac

2003 - 2005 Escola d'Art d'Olot
Computer Media Coordinator, Acting Professor, Department of Technology. Support & Applications
Sector: Education
Olot (Spain)
Optimization of computing resources from the center. Professor of Computer Graphics, Technical Illustration, Project Enlightenment, Theory and History of the Image, Artistic Drawing (areas of advertising graphics, illustration, photography and painting)

2002 - 2003 Escola Pia Ntra Senyora
Volume teacher / Bachelor Artistic
Sector: Education
Barcelona (Spain)
Workshop teacher modeling and volume (1 º de Bachillerato artistic) part time.

1993 - 2003 Barcelona Zoo, Atrox, Natura Mystery, Zoo Project, Planet Planetarium, Planetarium Municipal et alt.
Decorator, sculptor-modeller, Professional Crafts Department
Sector: Other
Barcelona (Spain)
Sculptor and painter, naturalist and hyper. Builders temporary structures and fixed. Installer maintenance items zoological facilities. Decorator. Art Direction. Sculptor collaborator. Draftsman.

1996 - 2002 Col ? legi Estela / Centre concertato ESO, Batxillerat
Professor of Technical Drawing, Visual Education, and Technology., Dept. of Another
Sector: Education
Barcelona (Spain)
Secondary school teacher and high school. Contributor-decorator TETRAL group.

1992 - 1994 Barcelona Wax Museum
Shopping assistant, sculptor-modeller, Department of Construction - Architecture
Sector: Recreational, cultural and sporting
Barcelona (Spain)
Cartoonist and illustrator. Modeller, sculptor, painter forillista. Decorator.

1983 - 1992 Santiblanc, Faro de Vigo, Tintimán, Zinc, Polygram, Gasa, Camper-Air Wair, Desigual ... et alt.
Illustrator, cartoonist, photographer, designer ..., Professional Crafts Department
Sector: Advertising
Vigo, Barcelona, Madrid, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
Selected Barcelona Comic Salon 1983. Publication of Comics, Cartoon and Illustration in Faro de Vigo and magazine trends "Tintimán" and display advertising for the chain of styling "Santiblanc."
Wall decorations.
Graphic Graphic Advertising Campaign:
The Soft-Polygram
and Bromeaoque?-GASA.
Logos, album covers, three-dimensional models. Graphics and illustration. Photographs.
Illustrator, designer and photographer for ZINC
Art Direction

1991 - 1991 The SA Production
Art Director / Props / Decorator, Professional Crafts Department
Sector: Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media
Barcelona (Spain)
Artistica.Decorador address. Props.

1990 - 1990 EMAV
Assistant decor and props, Professional Crafts Department
Sector: Education
Barcelona (Spain)
Assistant Freddy Hdez artistic director. Chinea in the film "is loooove ..." produced by the center of media studies in Barcelona and makers of the film story board.

1981 - 1985 Delta Academy
School booster Professor, Dept. of Another
Sector: Education
Nigrán (Spain)
School teacher to boost levels of EGB, BUP and COU. Preparation for test of selectivity and Language Spanish Language English.

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